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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make El Segundo Optometry a proud provider of vision care products and services in El Segundo.

Jennifer Aslam, O.D.

Dr. Aslam (aka Dr. Jenny) is a native of Southern California, born and raised in the greater LA area. She and her family are proud residents of El Segundo.

She received her Doctor of Optometry degree from Western University of Health Sciences, where she graduated at the top of her class and was recognized as Student Clinician of the Year. Her inspiration to pursue optometry as a career came at a young age. After receiving her first pair of glasses at the age of eleven, she was in awe of how clearly she could see the world. Her family had no idea that she was not experiencing life to its fullest due to her poor vision. Her personal experience has made her especially passionate about children’s vision. Dr. Jenny truly loves what she does. She cherishes her career as it allows her to build strong relationships with patients and their families. She provides comprehensive exams and compassionate care with the philosophy that “care” is the most important part of “healthcare”.

In her free time, Dr. Jenny enjoys cooking, running and seeking new opportunities to challenge herself. Her latest adventure has been becoming a mom.

Lara Priest, O.D.

Dr. Priest earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from Southern California College of Optometry. She has also completed a residency at VA Long Beach in primary care and low vision. She practices the full scope of Optometry including diagnosis and management of ocular diseases. Her favorite part of Optometry is the interactions and relationships formed with patients.

She has lived in the South Bay for most of her life. In her free time she enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking, playing beach volleyball and cheering on her favorite basketball team, the Lakers.

Nicole Smith – Office Manager

Nicole was born and raised in Redondo Beach before attending Concordia University in Irvine where she received her bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science with a specificity in Rehabilitation. After joining our team in 2020, she quickly developed an admiration for optometry science and patient care management. Nicole wears many hats including directing the day-to-day operations of the office, vision and medical insurance billing, and ensuring patients have the best possible experience.

When she isn’t in the office, Nicole likes to learn new cooking recipes, improve her pool playing skills, and spend time with her rescue dog, Olive.